Dank der Partnerschaft mit SEW-EURODRIVE konnte sich Clevertech als bevorzugter Partner für die Planung und den Bau von hocheffizienten, leistungsstarken und zuverlässigen Automatisierungssystemen positionieren. Dadurch ist Clevertech in der Lage, seinen Kunden modernste Automatisierungslösungen anzubieten, die den gesamten Produktionsprozess optimieren und die besten Ergebnisse garantieren können.
Seit vielen Jahren sind wir als Clevertech Gruppe stolz darauf, eine starke Partnerschaft mit einem der führenden Anbieter von Verpackungsmaschinen zu pflegen: Baumer.
Baumer ist ein Unternehmen, das sich wie wir durch einen maßgeschneiderten Ansatz auszeichnet, der für jeden Bedarf maßgeschneiderte Lösungen schafft. Diese spezifische Ausrichtung ermöglicht es unseren beiden Unternehmen, Lösungen zu entwickeln, die nicht nur den heutigen Anforderungen entsprechen, sondern auch eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung in Bezug auf Effizienz und wirtschaftliche Nachhaltigkeit ermöglichen.
Seit mehr als zehn Jahren arbeiten wir als Clevertech Group aktiv mit einem der wichtigsten Marktführer im Bereich der Sekundärverpackung zusammen: der Cama Group.
Cama ist wie wir ein Familienunternehmen, das von den Geschwistern Annalisa und Daniele geführt wird, und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen unserem Unternehmen und Cama ist ein Beispiel für Exzellenz beim Transfer von technologischem und dauerhaftem Mehrwert für unsere Kunden. Dank der Kombination spezifischer Kompetenzen und konsolidierter Erfahrungen in hochspezialisierten Sektoren sind wir in der Lage, hochmoderne Anlagen für den Food- und Non-Food-Sektor zu planen und Lösungen zu schaffen, die den komplexesten Marktanforderungen gerecht werden.
Un appuntamento imperdibile, dunque, per le aziende che vogliono rimanere competitive, scoprire tecnologie all’avanguardia e connettersi con i principali attori del mercato. Essere presenti non è solo una questione di visibilità, ma una mossa strategica per espandere il proprio network e aprire nuove opportunità di business su scala internazionale. Per chi opera nel settore F&B, Gulfood Manufacturing rappresenta un terreno fertile per rafforzare collaborazioni consolidate e stringere nuove partnership.
Since the early years of our business, we have maintained a crucial collaboration with our partner, Tosa. The partnership between Clevertech and Tosa has been ongoing for over 25 years and has undergone significant evolutions benefiting both companies over time.
In response to specific market demands, Clevertech expanded its scope beyond the provision of palletizing systems and conveying lines to include other essential elements of a complete and integrated production line. Our customers sought harmonization among the various machines in the production line, prompting both companies to collaborate closely to ensure that Tosa's products adhered to Clevertech's design specifications.
We are thrilled to share with you the success of our recent company workshops, held on the afternoon of May 10th. It was a unique experience that allowed our employees to explore shared passions and interests, strengthening the bond between various departments and fostering a cohesive and collaborative work environment.
Welcome to the universe of innovation and excellence! As a company, we firmly believe that continuous evolution and training are the keys to success in the rapidly transforming mechatronic and digital world.
Fertigung und Logistik gehen Hand in Hand. Angesichts des immensen Wachstums der verschiedenen Produkt-SKUs und der Veränderungen im Produktvertrieb durch den elektronischen Handel, ist es heutzutage äußerst wichtig, dass Fertigung und Logistik nahtlos miteinander verbunden sind:
Clevertech Group inaugurates its Virtualplace platform
Clevertech Group, world leader in industrial automation, premièred its new online platform to its customers, which brings together all group companies into a single virtual space open to visits.
Clevertech Group Virtualplace houses the group’s four component companies: Clevertech, Acs, Leantech and Cheesetech, offering visitors a look at the world of automation divided by the companies’ different sectors of activity.
Clevertech is a leader in the design and production of systems for industrial automation of Front Line and End of Line; Acs is a leader in the design and manufacture of automatic machines for the locks industry; Leantech manufactures conveyor lines; while Cheesetech is the division which designs and manufactures automated solutions for the traditional maturation of hard cheeses.
Virtualplace will allow users to explore all the applications available for each sector, through documents, presentations, videos and online training courses.
The platform is a virtual meeting place open 24/7/365 and available to all registered visitors.
Clevertech in partnership with WSR Solutions, revolutionising modern distribution
Clevertech Group, leader in the design and production of industrial automation systems, has signed a partnership agreement with WSR Solutions for the use of its mixed palletizing technology on end-of-line systems manufactured by Clevertech.
WSR Solutions is a Dutch company focused on developing innovative handling technologies. The company has developed innovative EOAT grippers and other robotic case handling technologies for the creation of mixed pallets, which is aimed at the global market. Its IPS – Intelligent Palletizing Software – is integrated into the overall handling system and manages the entire sequencing and mixed palletization process.
Thanks to this partnership, Clevertech will be able to offer its clients, multinational manufacturers across all sectors of goods, the possibility of mixed palletizing.
This innovation has the potential to redefine the world of distribution: currently, manufacturers of consumer goods make use of logistics distribution centres for the creation of mixed pallets, which are then sent on to supermarkets and large-scale retail outlets.
mpfaktion im Unternehmen
Die Clevertech Group hat sich dem von Unindustria und Confcooperative von Reggio Emilia geförderten Projekt zur Impfung der Arbeiter*innen der Unternehmen angeschlossen.
Die beiden Verbände von Reggio Emilia haben Verfügbarkeit und Unterstützung angeboten, um die Impfung der 70.000 Arbeiter*innen der 1400 Unternehmen der beiden Verbände zu fördern.
Unindustria und Confcooperative haben in Zusammenarbeit mit Check-Up Service und 3C Salute ein Protokoll mit der lokalen Krankenkasse von Reggio Emilia unterzeichnet. Beide Einrichtungen stellen ihr Gesundheitspersonal für die Verabreichung des Impfstoffs an den zwei speziellen Impfstellen auf dem Messegelände von Reggio Emilia zur Verfügung.
Das Ziel besteht darin, den Druck auf die öffentlichen Impfzentren zu verringern und den Arbeitnehmern die Möglichkeit zu bieten, schneller auf den Service zuzugreifen und die Kosten zu senken, weil sie von den verbundenen Unternehmen getragen werden.
Der Zugang zu Impfungen erfolgt in Übereinstimmung mit den Vorschriften zum Datenschutz, den im Rahmen des epidemiologischen Notstands erlassenen Regeln und den Bestimmungen der nationalen Gesetze.
Robots meet art in the time of COVID-19
Clevertech Group, a leading company in the industrial automation market, has been given a great opportunity to contribute to the fight against COVID-19 and has transformed this experience into a tribute to entertainment, a sector that has particularly suffered in these pandemic times.
The new end-of-line system produced for the American market, in fact, is featured in a video that Clevertech Group had a strong desire to make in order to show that industry also recognises the value of art and entertainment in a historical moment of great difficulty for the world of culture in general, which has been overwhelmed by the restrictions due to the pandemic.
Clevertech Group has been selected for an international engineering project for an important multinational company that works in the household cleaning sector. In the United States, the client company is the leading producer of disinfectant products, capable of eliminating 99.9% of the bacteria with which they come into contact. In the months marked by the pandemic, the demand for disinfectants increased considerably and the company decided to increase its production to combat the spread of the virus.
Clevertech Group is proud to announce the agreement which was signed with Actiw company, a leader in automated logistics and the supplier of the most innovative solutions for automatic trailer loading of complete pallets into non modified spaces.
The agreement signed in March 2020 entitles Clevertech as the exclusive sales and representative partner of “Loadmatic” automated trailer loading solutions for the Italian markets.
Additionally, Clevertech is the official agent for Actiw in United States together with Canada thanks to the strong presence in North American market with our branch Clevertech North America..
Recently, the first project has been launched and includes a specific system for Food Industry with a production capacity of 240 complete pallets/H including the automatic storage and automatic loading without any operator.
Thanks to this system, as soon as the pallet is palletized, wrapped and labelled in Clevertech End of Line, the same pallet is handled by Clevertech in the pallet conveyor line and transferred to warehouse or it goes to Loadmatic system for automatic trailer loading.
Clevertech Group would like to inform that all the safety measures adopted to ensure the correct social distancing, secure our employees in order to contrast the COVID-19 outbreak in the Northern Italy and worldwide, continue to be in operation.
Clevertech organized itself to deal with current demands and additional restrictions imposed by this emergency situation focusing its attention on the most important activities.
Therefore, the departments like Sales Managers Area, Technical Sales Managers, Project Managers have been working in smart working mode together with Engineering, Customer Service, After Sales Service, Finance and Accounting Departments.
The subsidiaries of Clevertech Group, Clevertech France, Clevertech Asia Pacific, Clevertech North America and Clevertech South Asia are working full-time.
Clevertech does not fall withing the last restrictions of Ministerial Decree of March 22nd, thus the closure of production activity, starting from March 25th until April 3rd, is not required for Clevertech.
The Clevertech Group is working with strong commitment and social responsibility in order to guarantee the correct and prompt information to all partners, customers and staff.
Since December Clevertech South Asia has been representing exclusively Makro Labelling for India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka areas. This is the last step we set three years ago when we sketched out the Clevertech South East Asia project as a Clevertech office capable of dealing with its own experience and the experience of other key partners in their relevant market.
Clevertech South Asia is an expert center for the packaging dry parts. It combines together Clevertech experience for the tertiary packaging, Atlanta Packers and HRS experience in the secondary packaging together with Makro Labelling know how in the primary packaging. In this way Clevertech South Asia is able to satisfy any requirement for the whole dry part of line.
Clevertech South Asia has already supported Makro Labelling with excellent result by placing important orders in the beverage area in India. The request of a labelling system from a multinational company active in this field was extremely challenging. The customer required a labeller capable to produce with a speed of 600 bottles/per minute.
Clevertech Group informs you about the important measures the company has implemented to enforce the sense of civic duty and contrast the COVID-19 outbreak which is spreading through the North of Italy and other parts of the world.
We confirm you that all the productive departments are regularly operating and all goods shipments & reception are absolutely granted, as well as our suppliers chain is fully productive.
We reorganised ourselves in order to comply with the hygienic rules dictated by the OMS related to the safety in the workplaces imposing to keep the distance from other people and sanitise all the workplaces daily as well.
With regards to the not strictly productive departments we organised exploiting the quality of Clevertech systems already existing, which allow to do smart working to sales managers, technical sales managers, project managers and customer service team.
In reference to the recent events of Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread in Italy, we would like to inform you that Clevertech S.p.A. headquarters are far away from outbreak area and we are currently 100% operative. Our operations are running at max capacity in this period and we have machines FAT almost every week.